In Luke 22, Jesus was seized and taken before the high priest to stand trial. Peter followed at a distance and settled around a firepit in the high priest’s courtyard to see what would happen to him. Earlier that day he had boldly declared he would follow Jesus even if it cost him his life, yet when identified by three separate individuals as having been with Jesus, Peter denied even knowing him. Now in Acts 4, only a few months later, Peter stood before the same high priest that had Jesus murdered and boldly declared the same truth that led to Jesus’ crucifixion.
As much as we’d like to think, Peter didn’t just grit his teeth and change himself. Rather, Peter was changed because he was filled with God the Holy Spirit. The same is true for every Christian. Everyone who believes that Jesus is their Savior and submits to him as Lord is filled with the Holy Spirit and united to Jesus through him. Like a branch is united to a tree, they are filled with his life and bear the fruit of the Spirit as they draw everything they need from him. Essentially, Christians, like Peter, change because they are filled with and conformed to a life that is not their own. Moreover, Peter was changed because he was empowered by the Spirit. In Luke 12, Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would provide words to say in moments exactly like the one Peter found himself in. As Peter walked in obedience, he proved what is always true—God keeps his word and provides what we need when we need it. God empowered Peter by his Holy Spirit to boldly declare the truth of the gospel, just like he promised.
Reflect on your own life: who or what are you hoping in for change? Further, where do you look for help when facing challenge or anything else? If you are a Christian, look to Jesus and hope in his promises, remembering that the Spirit of God fills you and has united you to Jesus. He will change and empower you as you walk by faith in obedience to his word. Think ahead to this week:
How is God calling you to walk in obedience to his word by faith? What do you need from him to do so?
Use the acronym IOUS, turning the prayers of the Psalmist into your own.
Incline my heart to you and not to prideful gain or any false motive!
Psalm 119:36
Open my eyes to behold wonderous things out of your Word.
Psalm 119:18
Unite my heart to fear your name.
Psalm 86:11
Satisfy me with your steadfast love.
Psalm 90:14