#6 | Take Time to Think

Read: Acts 3:11-26

Meditate on your own:

  1. How does Peter leverage the miracle in his sermon?
  2. How are Peter’s references to the Old Testament functioning in the sermon?
  3. What main point(s) is Peter getting at in his sermon?
  4. What verse/phrase stands out to you?
  • What truths about God’s character and/or mankind’s condition do you think you can draw from this?
  • Where do you other parts of the Bible saying the same thing?
  • Why is this good news, both for you and for others?
  • What does this reveal about your own heart? What do you need to repent of? What do you need to ask God for?


The Bible makes plain that no one is any better than the people who denied Jesus and killed him. Rather, everyone would likely do the same if given the opportunity. This is because no one is righteous, nor does good, nor seeks after God (Romans 3:10-12). This has always been the case. God has always been pursuing people, pleading with them to turn from their wicked ways, yet they did not listen. Time and time again, people spurned God’s ways for their own. So, God promised that he would make a new covenant with his people and place within them a new heart that rejoiced and trembled before him. They would hate what should be hated and love what should be loved. They would fear God and no one else, and they would obey him because they wanted to.

This is what Jesus came to accomplish and apply. Sin has no dominion over those in Jesus because they have been given hearts that love God more than sin and want to enjoy his presence rather than go their own way. As Christians grow in love for God, the sin that once looked full of life becomes clearly seen to be death! What’s more, they increasingly know that Jesus is the Author of Life and they want life in him! Peter makes clear in his sermon what is still true today. No one needs to be burdened by their guilt or captive to their wicked ways if they don’t want to be. Jesus can free them just as easily and evidently as he healed the lame man. He promises to give a new heart, cleansed of sin by his own blood, to those who trust him as Savior and submit to him as Lord, so that they all can turn from their wicked ways toward the God who made them.

This is the blessing of the gospel, yet it also begs the question—do you see? Do you see wickedness not just being big things like murder and adultery, but also things like gossip, a quick temper, and false thoughts about God? Do you see all sin, not just the big ones, as the seeds of death that, if left on to grow, would destroy you? Do you want to live? If so, Christian or not, the answer is the same—look to Jesus and live.


Use the acronym IOUS, turning the prayers of the Psalmist into your own.

Incline my heart to you and not to prideful gain or any false motive!

Psalm 119:36

Open my eyes to behold wonderous things out of your Word.

Psalm 119:18

Unite my heart to fear your name.

Psalm 86:11

Satisfy me with your steadfast love.

Psalm 90:14

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