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July 12, 2023
Read: Acts 14:1-8 Meditate on your own: What did Paul and Barnabas do in Iconium and Lystra? How did people respond? What do you notice about Paul and Barnabas’s response to the crowd at Lystra? What do they emphasize in their message? What verse/phrase in this text stands out to you? What truth about God or mankind can you draw from this? Where else is this truth seen in Scripture? How is this truth good news for you and others? Who needs to hear it? What does this truth reveal about your own heart? What are some ways you can respond to the truth of this passage? Is there something you need to repent of? What do you need to ask God for? What can you thank/praise God for?
July 12, 2023
Read: Acts 13:42-52 Meditate on your own: What words or phrases are repeated? What different responses to Paul’s preaching do you notice? How do Paul and Barnabas respond to those people? What verse/phrase in this text stands out to you? What truth about God or mankind can you draw from this? Where else is this truth seen in Scripture? How is this truth good news for you and others? Who needs to hear it? What does this truth reveal about your own heart? What are some ways you can respond to the truth of this passage? Is there something you need to repent of? What do you need to ask God for? What can you thank/praise God for?
July 12, 2023
Read: Acts 13:13-41 Meditate on your own: What are the main sections of Paul’s sermon? How does Paul tie the main sections of his sermon together? What is Paul arguing in his sermon? How does he use Scripture to strengthen his argument? (If you have time, read the context of the verses he quotes.) How does Paul’s argument lead to his appeal in verses 38-41? What verse/phrase in this text stands out to you? What is its purpose in the sermon? Why does Paul say it when he does? What truth about God or mankind can you draw from this? Where else is this truth seen in Scripture? How is this truth good news for you and others? Who needs to hear it? What does this truth reveal about your own heart? What are some ways you can respond to the truth of this passage? Is there something you need to repent of? What do you need to ask God for? What can you thank/praise God for?
July 12, 2023
Read: Acts 13:1-12 Meditate on your own: What do you notice about the Spirit’s interaction with the church at Antioch? What do you notice about Paul’s interactions with Sergius Paulus and Elymas the magician? What verse/phrase in this text stands out to you? What truth about God or mankind can you draw from that verse/phrase? Where else is this truth seen in Scripture? What are the implications of your response to question a)? What would be the implications if this weren’t true? How is this truth good news for you and others? Who needs to hear it? What does this truth reveal about your own heart? What are some ways you can respond to the truth of this passage? Is there something you need to repent of? What do you need to ask God for? What can you thank/praise God for?
July 12, 2023
Read: Acts 12:1-25 Meditate on your own: What do you notice about the setting of the narrative? How details do the details about time and place add to the story? What do you notice about the characters in the narrative? What actions does the author seem to highlight? How does the passage highlight both the mercy and judgment of God? What verse/phrase in this text stands out to you? What truth about God or mankind can you draw from that verse/phrase? Where else is this truth seen in Scripture? What are the implications of your response to question a)? What would be the implications if this weren’t true? How is this truth good news for you and others? Who needs to hear it? What does this truth reveal about your own heart? What are some ways you can respond to the truth of this passage? Is there something you need to repent of? What do you need to ask God for? What can you thank/praise God for?
March 20, 2023
Read: Acts 11:19-30 Meditate on your own: What do you notice about the interactions between Jews and Gentiles? What does the author highlight about Barnabas? How do you see God at work in this passage? What verse/phrase in this text stands out to you? What truth about God or mankind can you draw from that verse/phrase? Where else is this truth seen in Scripture? What are the implications of your response to question a)? What would be the implications if this weren’t true? How is this truth good news for you and others? Who needs to hear it? What does this truth reveal about your own heart? What are some ways you can respond to the truth of this passage? Is there something you need to repent of? What do you need to ask God for? What can you thank/praise God for?
March 20, 2023
Read: Acts 11:1-18 Meditate on your own: What do you notice about the Jewish Christians’ reactions throughout this section? How do they change after Peter’s story? What verse/phrase in this text stands out to you? What truth about God or mankind can you draw from that verse/phrase? Where else is this truth seen in Scripture? What are the implications of your response to question a)? What would be the implications if this weren’t true? How is this truth good news for you and others? Who needs to hear it? What does this truth reveal about your own heart? What are some ways you can respond to the truth of this passage? Is there something you need to repent of? What do you need to ask God for? What can you thank/praise God for?
March 20, 2023
Read: Acts 10:1-48 Meditate on your own: What happens in this story? How do the author and the characters in the story describe Cornelius and Peter? How is God involved in the story? Why do you think he acts the way he does? Read Acts 2. How are the events in Acts 10 like the ones shared in Acts 2? What verse/phrase in this text stands out to you? What truth about God or mankind can you draw from that verse/phrase? Where else is this truth seen in Scripture? What are the implications of your response to question a)? What would be the implications if this weren’t true? How is this truth good news for you and others? Who needs to hear it? What does this truth reveal about your own heart? What are some ways you can respond to the truth of this passage? Is there something you need to repent of? What do you need to ask God for? What can you thank/praise God for?
March 20, 2023
Read: Acts 9:19-43 Meditate on your own: What aspects of Saul’s ministry stand out to you? What aspects of Peter’s ministry stand out to you? Take a few minutes and read Luke 4:16-30 and Luke 8:49-56. What similarities do you notice between Jesus’s ministry and Saul and Peter’s respective ministries? What about Peter and Saul’s ministries do you find encouraging? What do you find challenging? What verse/phrase in this text stands out to you? What truth about God or mankind can you draw from that verse/phrase? Where else is this truth seen in Scripture? What are the implications of your response to question a)? What would be the implications if this weren’t true? How is this truth good news for you and others? Who needs to hear it? What does this truth reveal about your own heart? What are some ways you can respond to the truth of this passage? Is there something you need to repent of? What do you need to ask God for? What can you thank/praise God for?
March 20, 2023
Read: Acts 9:1-19 Meditate on your own: What do you notice about the characters in this passage? How does the author use irony to describe Saul’s dramatic conversion? What verse/phrase stands out to you? What truth about God or mankind do you think you can draw from this? Where do you see other parts of the Bible saying the same thing? What are the implications of that truth? What would be opposite to that? How is this good news, both for you and for others? Who needs to hear it? What does this reveal about your own heart? What do you need to repent of? What do you need to ask God for?
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July 12, 2023
Read: Acts 14:1-8 Meditate on your own: What did Paul and Barnabas do in Iconium and Lystra? How did people respond? What do you notice about Paul and Barnabas’s response to the crowd at Lystra? What do they emphasize in their message? What verse/phrase in this text stands out to you? What truth about God or mankind can you draw from this? Where else is this truth seen in Scripture? How is this truth good news for you and others? Who needs to hear it? What does this truth reveal about your own heart? What are some ways you can respond to the truth of this passage? Is there something you need to repent of? What do you need to ask God for? What can you thank/praise God for?
July 12, 2023
Read: Acts 13:42-52 Meditate on your own: What words or phrases are repeated? What different responses to Paul’s preaching do you notice? How do Paul and Barnabas respond to those people? What verse/phrase in this text stands out to you? What truth about God or mankind can you draw from this? Where else is this truth seen in Scripture? How is this truth good news for you and others? Who needs to hear it? What does this truth reveal about your own heart? What are some ways you can respond to the truth of this passage? Is there something you need to repent of? What do you need to ask God for? What can you thank/praise God for?
July 12, 2023
Read: Acts 13:13-41 Meditate on your own: What are the main sections of Paul’s sermon? How does Paul tie the main sections of his sermon together? What is Paul arguing in his sermon? How does he use Scripture to strengthen his argument? (If you have time, read the context of the verses he quotes.) How does Paul’s argument lead to his appeal in verses 38-41? What verse/phrase in this text stands out to you? What is its purpose in the sermon? Why does Paul say it when he does? What truth about God or mankind can you draw from this? Where else is this truth seen in Scripture? How is this truth good news for you and others? Who needs to hear it? What does this truth reveal about your own heart? What are some ways you can respond to the truth of this passage? Is there something you need to repent of? What do you need to ask God for? What can you thank/praise God for?
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