How do you go about sharing the gospel? If you’re a Christian, then there is likely an ever-present ache in you for the people around you to know Jesus. Yet, actually sharing the good news about him is often hard and, if we’re honest, kind of scary. Even though we know that Jesus is the Holy One of God who alone has the words of eternal life (John 6:68-69), we are nevertheless hesitant to approach those around us with those words. Perhaps one reason for this is that we have only seen evangelism done poorly if we’ve ever seen it at all. We have no mental model for how a good gospel conversation should look and so are left imagining some incredibly awkward encounter with a friend or colleague that we’re certain will haunt us for the rest of our relationship, or if we’re sharing the gospel with our family, the rest of our life.
Praise the Lord for Philip! In him God has given the church a model of good evangelism and especially one-on-one evangelism. Even though he was the focal point of a massive revival in Samaria, he was willing to follow Jesus anywhere, so when God told him to move, he trusted God and obeyed. Further, Philip was on the lookout for hearts ready to hear the good news and when he recognized the sensitive heart of the Ethiopian eunuch, he crossed the massive cultural divide between them to speak the truth in love. Yet, he did not start with what he thought the man needed to hear; instead, he started with the man’s own questions. Then, he answered those questions with teaching that was rooted in Scripture and revolved around Jesus, rather than his own speculating on some other topic.
In all this, Philip recognized God was the one at work in and through him. He was faithful to plant the seed of the gospel, and another would have to water the man’s new faith after he left, but he knew that God was the one who gave the man life and would cause him to grow (Eph. 2:4-5; 1 Cor. 3:6-7). As you meditate on Philip’s evangelistic encounter, take time to reflect on your own practice of evangelism.
In what ways does Philip’s method of evangelism challenge you? In what ways do you find it encouraging? Take time to pray, asking God to “open a door” for you to share and for the strength to “declare [the gospel] fearlessly” (Eph. 6:20; Col. 4:3).
Use the acronym IOUS, turning the prayers of the Psalmist into your own.
Incline my heart to you and not to prideful gain or any false motive!
Psalm 119:36
Open my eyes to behold wonderous things out of your Word.
Psalm 119:18
Unite my heart to fear your name.
Psalm 86:11
Satisfy me with your steadfast love.
Psalm 90:14